D1 Vs D9 charts, Asc Lagna Vs Moon Lagna

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D1 Vs D9 charts, Asc Lagna Vs Moon Lagna

Post by Nagaraja » 12 Apr 2015

In my natal chart - I see planetary position is indicating probably different results when D1 and D9 charts are compared or when Lagna is considered with Asc or Moon. I have read that D9 is more relevant and activised after middle age and also we have to chose Moon lagna over Asc if Moon Lagna is stronger than Asc. Can you please analyse the chart below and let me know if there are any common dominant traits from D1, D9, Moon Lagna charts? How will be the coming Mercury Dasa?
26 Oct 1974 08:40AM Vijayawada (India)

Thank you

Dr Neeraj
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Re: D1 Vs D9 charts, Asc Lagna Vs Moon Lagna

Post by Dr Neeraj » 12 Apr 2015

Dear Nagaraja
This is the beauty of the Vedic Astrology that from the same chart, we deduce so many things.
Natal lagna is seen for the physical manifestation of the results while from Moon, mental happiness for such results is ascertained. Arudh lagna indicates the maya associated with self, while Karakamansha lagna signifies the desires of the soul. So at any given time, a chart is to be evaluated from all and whenever the same combination repeats, it seems to be sure.
At time, we see a combination from one lagna but not from other; then it may have partial results or results in some other manner.
D-9 is seen for ascertaining the strength of planets. It is more used for the martal results as D-10 is used for profession related results.

Ex: In ur natal chart, LL Mars is conjunct with 12L Ven.
From Moon, LL/12L is same planet Sat.
From KL Taurus, LL Ven is conjunct 12L Mars.
From Arudh Lagna, LL Mer is conjunct with 12L Sun.
So there seems a pattern in ur chart.

Your MD Mer wil start from June 2020-2037 (Age 46-63) and you'll spend quite a long time in this dasha.
First Mer is not a very good planet for Scorpio Asc. Being the 8L/11L and placed in 12H in combustion, it may give you many challenges to face and hence in a way realising your inner strengths. Interestingly Mer is connecting to 8H in D-9 as well as D-10. So you may expect the unexpected in every sphere of your life.
As the 8L it may push you to delve deep into the mysteries of life (Particularly from 2023 the Jamini dasha of Gemini will start which is natal 8H and contain your AK Sun). Around May 2023, Sat will transit over your natal Moon and this is generally a peak time of Sadhe satti (Plz note NOT all the time of sadhe satti is bad, as is the general perception).
.God bless you

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