What the Precession of the Ages Reveal to Us

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Khoo Hock Leong
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What the Precession of the Ages Reveal to Us

Post by Khoo Hock Leong » 13 Sep 2017

Hi Learned Members

First I want to add is that each Astrological Age of about 2000 years is miniscule as compared to the Yuga concept of Vedic culture which stretches over many 100,000 of years.

Nevertheless, it is good to analyze the age within the current cycle we are in, so that we can gain a deeper insight into the bigger picture WHENEVER THERE IS A NEED. Who knows a link can be found between the current cycle and the future cycles.

The Abrahammic faiths is ruled by the Age of Pisces. 10th to Pisces is Sagittarius. Hence these faiths owe their allegiance to only one God. In fact one of the tenets of Christianity is that all of them would be swept up to the bridal feast of God after the 1,000 years have passed from the apocalypse and those remaining on Earth would yoke their existence within the reign of the Beast (Aquarius Age, Capricorn Age before the Sagittarian Age dawn on mankind).

Now as we near the Aquarian Age or the Aquarian Age is just touching us, with technology going on at full speed ahead, remember 10th to Aquarius is Scorpio. Amongst other things, Aquarian Age rules knowledge. Knowledge unbounded but the Scorpio link shows that knowledge not properly discriminated in whatever you glean from books, is not likely going to be useful, and may also prove especially harmful. This is especially the case for spiritual knowledge.

If we are now at Scropionic Age, then life would be a different ball game altogether. People would abound with occult knowledge (Vedic Astrology) and 10th to Scropio is Leo, attaining the powers of divinity, which is the 5th house, and everybody would be able to call up their good karma from past lives. But we are not. So you would just have to depend on a few individuals who happen to have a very good and pure 8th house.

For THESE INDIVIDUALS WITH A GOOD 8TH HOUSE, 10th to 8th being 5th and 5th is the 9th to the 9th and 9th is the 5th to the 5th mean that these individuals would be able to tap into the cosmic knowledge of the universe or divine knowledge

Best Regards
Mac Khoo Hock Leong

Khoo Hock Leong
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Re: What the Precession of the Ages Reveal to Us

Post by Khoo Hock Leong » 13 Sep 2017

One thing about the Aquarian Age is you can choose how you want to die - 10th to Aquarius is Scorpio, the 8th house. You can go for Shiva, Krishna, Moksha, or even re-birth.

If Jupiter as the 9th lord going to the 8th, you are simply divine, and can get in touch with any Gods you wish.

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