Battle in 8th house

For discussion on aspects, retrograde, combustion, planetary war, vargottama, kuja dosha, alternate lagnas etc.
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Re: Battle in 8th house

Post by SM1983 » 07 Jan 2014

Excellent! Thank you. Your explanations are really good. Also thanks for your time.

God bless you.


Joined:22 Nov 2011

Re: Battle in 8th house

Post by sekharn » 10 May 2014

Dear Shoemaker,

Being a Leo lagna, i too have my 10th lord Venus exalted in 8th house along with 12th lord Moon being aspected by 5th and 8th lord Jupiter which is retrograded. I have regular breaks in my career since my Venus dasha started from 1998. I am about to enter Ven-mer dasha this year from october onwards... Can i expect something better from this dasha... It will be of great help if you could give some insight regarding my career...
DOB: 23-4-1971, 3.02pm, Chittoor, A.P

Thanks in advance...

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Re: Battle in 8th house

Post by aliens19672004 » 12 Sep 2014

There is lot of misunderstanding about 8th house. 8th house deals with death and longevity,debts,bad name and inheritance and also it would denote loss of friends. It is also the house of para vidya or para gyana. Saturn is the karaka for longevity and it is the destroyer of the body, Ketu is the destroyer of mind,Rahu is the destroyer of dharma., Mars in the 8th house signify bad debts.

All the evils are seen from the 8th house, from lagna, Arudha lagna and from the Atmakaraka.

If the lord of the 8th house is in fixed sign then death would occur at home, if in movable sign away from home and in dual sign nearby while commuting.

Since 8th and its 8th are the places of longevity, the 12th from these houses which are 7th and 2nd are the houses of death.

Arudha pada of the 8th house is called as Mrityarudha and planets and signs have direct effect as if they are placed in the 8th house. Saturn in Mrityyarudha gives long life but early life would be full of health related issues.

Transit of Saturn over Arudha lagna and its trines is very bad but the transit of Saturn over Mrityarudha is good as it gives new life

The sign occupied by the 8th house is worst and the lord of the 8th house and sign occupied by it gives the same result.

Jupiter in the 8th house is akin to asura yoga
Rahu in and aspecting 8th house is a clear indication of dushta maranayoga. This should be seen from lagna,Arudha lagna and also Atma karaka

Timming of the evils has to be done through Vimshottari dasa and for this certain principles are important to be known:

Take the dasa planet as a temporary lagna and see where the antar dasa is placed. This antar dasa should not be in the 7th house as it would give the results of the maraka period which would bring about diseases and other evils

Some other principles are as follows:

Dasa planet should be in 6th from Sun,12th from the Moon,12th from Mars,3rd from Mercury,6th from Jupiter,4th from Venus ad 6th from Saturn. As such placements are treated as enemies by the Maha dasa lord. Rahu would act like Saturn and Ketu like Mars

Longevity of the native should be calculated using various ayur dasa like, Navamsa dasa,shoola dasa,Gochara dasa,Bramha dasa and out of these shoola dasa is the most convinient and easy way to check the longevity of the native

Longevity compartment can be seen from the following rules:

Placement of the lagna lord and 8th house lord
Lagna and Hora lagna
Saturn and Moon
Uma shanker achanta

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Re: Battle in 8th house

Post by danigul » 04 Sep 2018

My place of birth is Chennai

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