retrograde debilitated planets? a peculiar position

For discussion on aspects, retrograde, combustion, planetary war, vargottama, kuja dosha, alternate lagnas etc.
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my position: my 7th lord debilitated +retro+ vargottam+ pushakarnavamsa (libra ascendant)
needless to say its difficult to interpret this position
there is very less info on debilitated retro planets...and whatever little info is there is also conflicting..
2 main points of view:
1.a deb.retro behaves like exalted...not immediately but gradually a deb.retro will start giving the effects of exalted...this view is highly contested
2.a deb retro gives extremely bad results as retro planets are nearer to the earth...their effects are felt greatly ....a deb retro means effects of debilitation will be felt greatly...therefore its baaaaad...

can anyone plz help me out with this one... i am goin to run mars antardasha in 2021 june.
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IMHO, Mars in this position is like an exalted planet. It indicates that spouse may be of a high position / status.

"The planets are always favorable to one who does not harm others, who possesses composure, who earns wealth through honest means and who restrains the baser instincts."
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Different Types of Planetary Movements: Retrograde, Extreme Retrograde, Slow, Fast, and Attichari in Astrology
In astrology, the movement of planets through the zodiac is categorized into different speeds, which can provide insight into their astrological influence. Here’s a breakdown of these classifications:[ Chapter 5,Shloka 7, Jyotirvidhyabharanum ]

1. Sama (Direct)

o This refers to a planet moving in its usual, direct motion along its orbit. It’s neither exceptionally fast nor slow but follows its typical pace.

2. Vakra (Retrograde)

o When a planet appears to move backward with very slow speed relative to its usual direction, it's in retrograde motion. This is an optical illusion caused by the relative positions and speeds of Earth and the other planets.

3. Ati Vakra (Very Fast or Extremely Retrograde)

o This term describes a planet that is moving extremely fast in its retrograde motion, leaves the sign to move into previous sign.

4. Chara [Fast moving] A planet moving fast as compare to its normal speed .

5 Chara Tara (Very Fast)

o A planet categorized as "Chara Tara" is moving at an exceptionally high speed through the zodiac.

6 Manda (Slow)

a. A planet that is moving slowly as compare to its normal motion through the zodiac.

7 Krisha (Very Slow)

a. When a planet moves very slowly as compare to its normal motion , it's described as "Krisha."

Surya Siddhanta Types of Motion:

1. Vakra (Retrograde)

o This is when a planet appears to move backward with very slow speed relative to its usual direction.

2. Ativakra (Extremely Retrograde)

o An even more pronounced retrograde motion than Vakra, moves into the previous sign .

3. Vikala (Irregular)

o This term can refer to irregular or unusual motion patterns of a planet, which might not fit neatly into the typical classifications.

4. Manda (Slow)

o A planet moving slowly than its normal speed through the zodiac.

5. Mandtara (Very Slow)

o An even slower pace than Manda, speed of the planet.

6. Sama (Direct)

o This refers to a planet moving in its direct, usual motion along its orbit, without unusual speed or direction.

7. Shighra (Fast)

o A planet moving quickly than its normal speed through the zodiac.

8. Shightara (Very Fast)

o A planet moving at an exceptionally high speed, compare to its normal speed.

Practical Classifications in Astrology:

In practical astrological contexts, these classifications are often simplified into the following categories:

1. Sama (Direct)

o The planet moves in its normal, direct path.

2. Vakri (Retrograde)

o The planet is moving backward with very slow speed relative to its usual direction.

3. Sheeghra (Fast)

o The planet is moving quickly with fast motion through the zodiac.

4. Manda (Slow)

o The planet is moving slowly compare to normal speed.

5. Margi (Progressive)

o This term is used to describe a planet moving in a forward and direct path without any unusual speed or direction, akin to Sama.

Subdivisions of Motion:

1. Shighra (Fast)

o Often used in practice to describe planets moving at a high speed, but it might be divided into:

▪ Shigrahra (Fast)

▪ Shigrahtara (Very Fast)

2. Manda (Slow)

o Similarly, this can be divided into:

▪ Manda (Slow)

▪ Mandtara (Very Slow)

In Vedic astrology, the term Attichari (also spelled as Ati Chara) describes a specific type of planetary motion. Here's a detailed breakdown:

Attichari Planets

• Definition: An Attichari planet is one that moves with exceptionally high speed through a sign and, upon entering the next sign, continues to move at this high speed. This high speed in both the current and the following sign characterizes it as Attichari .

• Characteristics:

o Very Fast Movement: The planet is moving through its sign at a pace much faster than usual.

o Continued Speed: Upon transitioning to the next sign, it maintains this very fast speed. ... tichari-in
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nidhi222 wrote: 17 Mar 2021 can anyone plz help me out with this one... i am goin to run mars antardasha in 2021 june.
In my humble opinion, it does not make much sense to look at things in isolation. Instead, it would help if relevant details (birth-details and background) were shared to set the context. Further, if might not be a bad idea to share your own experiences, to validate the understanding of interested folk.

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