Rahu Mahadasha Started, need guidance

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Hi Respected Astrologers on this forum,

Please let me know how my Rahu Mahadasha will be.

It has started since the last few months with lots of difficulties and losses. Huge Debts were there before Rahu Mahadasha started, but increased at a very fast pace after Rahu Mahadasha started and now feels I will not be able to come out of it. Also, I was earning little income in the past few months, but now that has stopped. No employment or business income. I almost ran out of my credit cards, loan accounts, etc now. Cannot sell current property which I purchased last 2 years ago, as the price keeps going down only (significant loss if I sell now).

DOB: 6th Oct 1980
Time: 1:25 AM
Place: Mandvi (Surat), Gujarat

Thank you in advance for your time on this matter!! (two hands folded)
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You've indeed started Maha-Dasha of Rahu. He is placed alongside Ascendent or Udaya Lagna and participates in Sukshma Parivarthana with 3th & 12th lord Mercury/Budha, placed in the 4th house of Homely Comforts. Rahu is not a benefic for the birth-chart.

Given the situation, it would have made sense for you to have considered performing Sandhi Shanti Homa/Havan (a fire ritual), before start of Maha-Dasha and continued propitiating/appeasing Rahu. In any case, it would make sense for you to start doing that immediately. Please consider starting your day by offering special prayers to Lord Ganesha (given the strong foot-print and influence of Ketu) and then offer special prayers to Goddess Maha-Kali/Durga/Chamundeshwari with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong Sankalpa.

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Hello MYR,

lagna - Cancer
Maha dasha of Rahu and sub dasha of Rahu till June 2026
The influence of Saturn in 3rd house is causing difficult/obstacles with your efforts, job and business.
The planet Mars is fair in strength is favorable for job.

Could you share the date/month you purchased the property.
also, are you married.

If you have the right knowledge, EXACT predictions can be made. Astrology is an incredible tool for guidance and one should take note of the energies of changing dasa lords.
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Thank you Sishya and Sujit ji 🙏🏻

@Sujit ji - Purchased property closing date was 15 June-2022, however saw property and submitted offer to buy somewhere after 3rd week of May 2022. I am divorced. Also have several health issues since 2017.

I also would like to know if I would lose this propery, and/or would I have to go through Bankruptcy at any point because of property and/or of my existing huge debt? Would I ever come out of debt? Do you see any money coming in future? Update - I recently got a very basic job for three month contract and starting soon but that money is not enough. What field is good for me, for job and for business?

Thank you for your valuable time and inputs 🙏🏻
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