Should I not marry at all??

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Hello learned once,
I have been studying astrology for a few years and found that there are so many bad combinations for marriage. I have Scorpion ascendent with 8th house moon(perhaps worst moon) in Mrigsira 4th Charan(another worst condition as it debilitates in navamsa). Moon is also darakarka and Upapada lord which is aspected by Saturn, Mars from 2nd house and Rahu from 4th. So....moon is under heavy stress.

Again, 7th lord Venus is in 6th house(bad for marriage with Jupiter. But Jupiter is very week. Also, Venus is in close trine with Mars and Ketu.As per Nadi text, this is also bad for marriage. Sun is in the nakshatra of Saturn.
As per Mridula Trivedi, if both the luminaries are in aspect or nakshatra of Saturn, the chances of marriage is less.

In navamsa, three planets Moon, Sun and Mercury are debilitated. Navamsa Lagna lord Saturn is in 6th with Rahu and Jupiter. So, it is also bad for marriage, I think. Navamsa 7th lord Moon is with Venus in 11th and moon is debilitated. As per texts, if moon and Venus conjunct in navamsa and if one of them is debilitated, it is also bad for marriage.

I am in a condition where it is difficult to get married right now as I have get my sister married first. Also, in my home, due to joint family, there is always a family fight(Perhaps due to Saturn Mars in 2nd and Rahu in 4th). So, I think it would be good with any girl if I marry her because I have no right to put her in a fighting environment.I also had a breakup in February 2017 and it is difficult for me to forget her(the genuine reason I don't want to marry any other girl).

My birth details are as follows-
Time-23:15 hrs
Place-Patna, Bihar

Kindly help me.
Thank you in advance
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I agree with you. The chart is difficult for marriage. There can chances for divorce.
- Sujit
If you have the right knowledge, EXACT predictions can be made. Astrology is an incredible tool for guidance and one should take note of the energies of changing dasa lords.
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Thank you Sujit for answering my question. I have pointed out some more bad aspects in my horoscope.
7th house astakvarga has only 17/18 points. Distance between Venus and sun is about 46 degrees(more than 43 is considered bad). God knows everyone's fate, so I won't mind what he has written in my fate.

BTW, I am new to this forum and want to help others with astrology at this platform. If I will get some time, I will definitely try to answer other's question.
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nisant12020 wrote: 31 Mar 2019 Thank you Sujit for answering my question. I have pointed out some more bad aspects in my horoscope.
7th house astakvarga has only 17/18 points. Distance between Venus and sun is about 46 degrees(more than 43 is considered bad). God knows everyone's fate, so I won't mind what he has written in my fate.

BTW, I am new to this forum and want to help others with astrology at this platform. If I will get some time, I will definitely try to answer other's question.
I don't follow ashtakavarga.

- Sujit
If you have the right knowledge, EXACT predictions can be made. Astrology is an incredible tool for guidance and one should take note of the energies of changing dasa lords.
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Agree with your assessment that chart is challenging for marriage and domestic happiness, even if marriage were to fructify you may not get much joy from it

In addition to the points you have already listed, the parivartana yoga between 2nd lord Ju and 6th lord Mars is having a very bad effect. Though Venus is in 6th house, Jupiter present there may have salvaged the situation but due to the exchange of houses with Mars it is completely spoiling Venus and this Mars is with Ketu in D9 causing further problems. As per Nadi astrology principles Venus with Ju in same house for a male native can lead to early marriage but due to exchange of houses with Mars the distance between Ju and Ve is now full of obstructions from malefic grahas like Sa, Ra, Me and Sun hence ruling out early and timely marriage.

Seen from the Moon too the situation is not good since 8th Lord Sa and 6th Lord Mars combine in the 7th, here Ju actually salvages the situation to some extent due to exchange of houses. The real problem then becomes Venus in D9 where it is with neecha Moon.

Mars and Sa combination in kendra to Sun and Moon should make you a very egoistic individual, you may have been one early on in life. But Ju and Mars exchange brings in the wisdom of Jupiter and this tendency gets curbed as one ages. Debilitated Sun in D9 shows that you will become very humble and lose all unnecessary ego as you experience life.

You have come in with tough karma on the relationships and domestic happiness fronts. As you have yourself written, not everyone gets everything in life. Better focus on the positive aspects and fortify those areas, good luck!
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7csl ve in own star
ve ju together in 6house
your chart indicate love marriage
yet delay for marriage is there
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Hi Nishant,
Your topic arose my curiosity and I am also in the same boat with respect to marriage. I've been seeking alliances for marriage since the last 6 years and somehow or other it just doesn't seem to set. I am quite well educated and doing decently in career as well but just with regard to this area I am just not finding an answer. I don't have great expectations except for the fact that Im looking for compatibility and flexibility.

Also slightly similar to you, I liked someone a lot and definitely thought that would click but it broke in Dec'16 and since then I was briefly in a state of depression. I felt there was some karmic connect and it was hard to forget and move on. The whole of 2017 I was hoping that something will happen and hoping beyond hope but alas nothing happened. I am however over that phase now and been trying again but nothing seems to click. From a person who badly wanted to get married, I am considering whether it's even worth now to go through that process.

I have referred a lot of people to get their perspective. Most of them promised that marriage would take place by 2016 itself but it didn't happen. Recently however in the forum, I was told that chances are completely bleak and that I have literally no chance to get married. I am in two minds whether to even still think of getting married or just improve upon career, finances and being of more use to family. I am also having aim to move abroad. I would be happy if you could take a look at my chart and give your perspective with respect to marriage. Thanks

DOB : 24th Jan 1986
POB : Colombo, Sri Lanka
TOB: 16:42 (4.42 pm)
I'm Mithuna Lagna in rasi and Meena Lagna in Navamsa.
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After going through some more aspects, I found that Saturn is also Gnatikarak which is aspecting darakarak. So, it also obstructs the marriage.
I have a little knowledge of remedies. Kindly help me to know the remedies....plz
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Dear Nisant
I got chance to look into your chart the following were my observations
A Venus to sun distance more than 43 degrees Venus in sun star ,sat aspecting moon and also Venus ,but that Venus is in conjunction with jup so bad qualities of Venus got reduced .with all the above happiness in marraige will get reduced.
There is a delay due to slow moving planets jup and sat ,so chances of getting married after jan 2020 .and before 2022 may .
If missed then after 2022 may is sure .
At present you might facing stress in respect of mother ,job,etc
Feed back is appreciated
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Break in love might have occurred before sep 2017 it seems
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Sk Rajiv

I am intrigued & relieved that I am not alone.
I have gone through a similar thing and apparently have Gemini rising too.

On two occasions It has happened that Marriage couldn't materialze Oct 2015 & march 2018.
On both occasions I was quite hopefull( dying to be married:) )that it would materialze seeing how easy people around me were getting hitched in a blink of an eye.90% of my friends are taken.

One the first instance I had grown a infatuation to the girl without talking much but it was something I couldn't get off my mind I was depressed and felt dejected what any other normal person may not feel, but on the positive it really gave me a drive & self check and I did change my lifestyle after I was over it in 2-3 months time ( sadesati was on too )

I was very apprehensive about the second proposal and was quite practical in approach & didn't let my emotions running high early on.
We got talking and slowly I could let my past gaurd down
I fell for her and then just bam out of now where it was a closed story without any explanation.Words can't describe the feeling I lived ( again any other person would rub it off like nothing)It literally broke something in me.

Now in hindsight it may have been my insecurity & my perspective on it (saturn moon conjunction) that I take theses things to heart but I have accepted and given-in that's the way I work/function.

Now I am really scared & just can't connect with any proposal with the zeal I had on those two occasions & fear I would never have those feelings or the ability to get dejected again.
I feel I make a good case to remain unmarried .However dying but still alive voice inside me says otherwise.Maybe time will take care of that too.

Knowing very little astrology I know that my 7th house and lord both are not much good place & position wise. I have a own sign (libra)Venus but I guess it's just not enough to counter balance the weakness.

P.s 11/12/88 18:58 Abohar Punjab are my details.
Request members to shed light if they think otherwise.

I went through your chart would you mind asking me how have your health been over the years?

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@ Agog,

Late marriage seen in your chart if you choose to marry, your 7th Lord is retrograde hence you have free will involved here. My take is that marriage will happen if you want it to. Retro 7th Lord also gives at least 1 miss which has happened going by your post here. Since 7th house has three planets, the energy will galvanize you into action even if you were to have self doubts on the topic of marriage once in a while.

Your lagna is aspected by Mars and Saturn, you must make a conscious effort to keep your confidence level up. High level of personal confidence is not something that comes naturally to you.

Timing wise I see the best chance during Ra - Mercury in early part of 2022. Though Mercury is combust, he receives aspect from Jupiter (7th lord) and is also the 7th lord from Moon lagna.

There are challenges in your 4th house of home and mental peace since 4th house is under aspect of both Mars and Saturn and Mercury is combust, Jupiter aspect salvages situation to some extent. Moon is influenced by Saturn but there is a good 15 degrees separation so one cannot call this a conjunction. Mars casts 8th aspect on Venus which is well placed and in 7th Lord nakshatra. Combination of 7th Lord in 12th house along with all these influences means that happiness from marriage may be limited.

If your time of birth is accurate, 7th cusp sub lord is Moon who signifies 2,7. All of these point to the possibility of marriage most likely happening but challenges will be present.
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Thanks@ sammyho 148

I was not aware of retro 7th lord giving one miss and free will to choose the area of life it rules.

Your are right on the money about my self confidence part never a natural phenomena for me but I guess I tried my level best of not acknowledging it by masking it with my lifestyle ( drinking my 20's with zero responsibilities & hardly any sober time for my inferiority to grow ) little did I realised where it's taking me in matters of mental and physical health.

I always was interested in the 7th house matters maybe cause of LL Mercury being there like it's my focus of life.
Mercury being in mula and within 8° of saturn has made me who I am. I can feel the ketu energy now.

I guess I have to accept the fact of boundaries saturn is trying to put on me hope it guides me on what to do in life next albiet slowly.

I am going through a time where its soo difficult for me to deal with people in general & I am in constant seek of isolation which totally resonates with what is happening in current transit over my natal planets.

You mentioned that Mars and saturn aspects my lagna so does Rahu..infact Mars and Rahu are almost on ascendent degree. Shouldn't mars give confidence and Physical vigour in this case & well placed Rahu dasa is on infact Rahu is the best planet interms of sign/nakshatra and d9 position in my chart. I just cannot figure out what results it's giving .True illusion.

What in your opinion is best thing to help with my confidence.(physical transformation & dietary habits is what I am working on)

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Rahu placed in 9th also aspected by 9th lord Saturn. Rahu gives results of his dispositor who is Saturn, hence for all practical purposes Rahu gives the indications of whatever Saturn indicates in your chart.

Saturn rules 8th and 9th house so becomes a mild benefic. Since mooltrikona of Saturn falls in 9th house here, you can expect Saturn to lay emphasis on 9th house matters like higher philosophy, teachings but with the perspective of Saturn which makes you face up to reality and persevere through the efforts. Since Saturn also rules the 8th which is a house with transformative qualities, you can see how Rahu dasa is making you acknowledge the situation and make efforts to make it better through the qualities of Saturn like hard work, discipline. That's one way of looking at it.

Also your point about lagna lord in 7th house is spot on, it will always be a focus area for you hence that makes the chances of you getting married higher - the latent energy of the 7th house in your chart will ensure you keep putting in effort even if you face the occasional failure. LL in 7th house also means that your attitude towards that house will not be trivial and that you will put in whatever effort is needed if and when problems in that area arise.

When it comes to confidence (here on answer is purely practical and not astrological since I have gone through a similar journey myself), physical transformation and dietary habits are no doubt good starting points but the universe evaluates male energy in terms of his vision and achievements. As you work on yourself you ask yourself questions like - Am I taking proactive and conscious decisions or am I just going with the flow? Do I want to be in charge of my situation and what I feel about myself or do I need validation from others? It is these philosophical questions that makes one ponder about what path one wants to take in life and the actions you take.......once you have some clarity on these matters the confidence and self awareness will automatically reflect in your body language and the way you conduct yourself. Then you will possibly see that the way people react to you (including the opposite sex) is totally different compared to what it is. This process took 2-3 years in my case once the physical transformation was achieved, so it will not happen overnight.

Think Saturn qualities once again - perseverance, practical orientation and long term thinking. One more observation is that when Mercury gets influenced by Saturn even if in a small way you have the potential for long term thinking and execution on those lines. I have the same combination in my chart where Mercury is exalted (with Saturn in same rasi and close by) and have these qualities myself, I was not born with these but Saturn over a period of time has taught me these learnings. In your case the entire combination is happening in Sagittarius hence there is no affliction here though Ketu the planet of detachment and spirituality will influence whichever graha is placed in his nakshatra. Ketu in your chart gives results of Sun who signifies 3,6 - houses of effort, everyday work and dealing with conflicts.

You are on the right path, keep at it and you should see some tangible changes in yourself within the next 12-18 months. I think you have the potential to persevere and do what it takes to see the results. Good luck with your endeavors!
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Thank you Vedam33 for replying.
That's true. My mom has got broken her left elbow and have to go surgery in Feb 2019. Presently, her condition improved but still, not very good. Yeah.. looking for changing the job.
And yeah, breakup was in June 2017.
If there is any scope of her return. I want to know if she will return or not
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Hi Agog,
Very interesting to note that you've also been through a similar phase and I am able to exactly co-relate to your sentiments. From a person who was so hopeful of marriage, my expectations and hope regarding the subject of marriage has really gone down. 2016 especially was a very low light with regard to relationships and even now I wonder why I developed such an infatuation to someone who I just met twice and messaged quite a bit. Incidentally she also happens to be Mithun Lagna :D. The circumstances perhaps also played a role in this as I was too hopeful of it working out and even some karmic insights showed me that path only. Anyways its a thing of the past now and I have moved on.

Thanks for your message. I was able to co-relate so much and it's infact an eye opener to note that others also go through these similar difficult phases. I shall also have a look at your chart when time permits.

Could you let me know what you could infer from my chart with regard to marriage?
With regard to health, I would say it's been fine. I do get stomach and back aches at times but nothing too serious as such at least as of now. I guess Mars in 6th in own house seems to be quite strong.

Also Sammyho Sir, I would be grateful if you could give your feedback on marriage with regard to my chart as well. Thank You.
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I consider myself a beginner in astrology, so suggested that you consider other view points as well.

Your chart has challenges for marriage but my assessment is that marriage is promised. Ju is weak and occupying nakshatra of Mars who is 6th and 11th lord and well placed in own house, though he is debilitated and afflicted by Ra in D9. Delay in marriage is not surprising since Venus in combust and Saturn aspects from the 6th where he gets influenced by the 6th lord Mars.

Me MD should result in marriage, chances are there when Ve AD begins. From a transit point of view as well in 2021 you will see a double transit of Sa and Ju on your natal Venus.

That said do not expect a smooth married life, will call for lot of adjustments since the entire combination of factors in the 8th house aspect the 2nd house of family and trines the 4th house of emotional and home happiness. Your 7th house shows what you expect from marriage - influence of Moon and Rahu indicates you desire emotional connect, understanding and the occasional passion due to Rahu's influence from the 11th. What you are likely to get is how the indications of the 7th lord manifest - grace of Ju gets totally taken over by the cold, practical, regimental nature of Capricorn and Saturn influence. Sun combusts both Mercury and Venus so the natural karakatwas of both get inhibited (Mer is communication, talkative, flirty and Venus is harmony).

You will need to the see the opposite person for who she is and get into marriage with your eyes and ears open. Do not make the mistake of seeing what you want to see, if you get in with the right mindset the journey might become easier for you. Good luck!
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Sk Rajiv are you member in astrology and timing events of [No Personal Contact Details on Public Forum] group also
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Hi Sammyho,
Thanks very much for giving a detailed input. Its pretty surprising because ive been showing my chart to astrologers since the last 5-6 years actually and many didnt hint about marriage being such an issue and I was made to believe that it would definitely take place in Saturn MD Jupiter AD. However now since that period has crossed and off late it's been very negative with regard to marriage significations. I also understand a bit of astrology and know it aint a smooth ride. Thanks again for sharing your feedback as well.

Hi Vedam Sir,
Are you referring to any astrology group on Facebook. If yes, you may have seen me there as well.
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No Vedam Sir, I am not part of any [No Personal Contact Details on Public Forum] group with regard to astrology.
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I am still unmarried. Age-36 yrs almost. Will I ever get married? Plz help and share ur views
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hopefully now your astro knowledge would have improved. what are your views now.
If you have the right knowledge, EXACT predictions can be made. Astrology is an incredible tool for guidance and one should take note of the energies of changing dasa lords.
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Over and beyond the afflictions called out, it looks like you got done with Maha-Dasha of Jupiter/Guru-dev, the 2nd lord of Family Expansion in November 2022. He was posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ashwini Nakshatra. Thereafter, you've started Maha-Dasha of Saturn/Shani-dev placed in the 2nd house and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Mula/Moola Nakshatra, also ruled by Ketu. So, there is an undeniable influence of Ketu. He is below par Vimsopaka Bala and being placed in Leo/Simha Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Uttara-Phalguni Nakshatra ruled by Sun/Ravi does not make him a benefic from a materialistic/relationship point of view.

Request you to kindly bear with me and feel free to ignore anything that is not to you taste or liking. In my humble opinion, the birth-chart seems to indicate a tendency towards denial. If truly interested and have a strong desire to marry, I think it would make sense for you to be open minded to consider an unconventional relationship (given my understanding of your social stature, it might not be easy), while offering special prayers on a regular/daily basis to Lord Ganesh, with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong Sankalpa.

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hello could someone advice on whether this person should marry and if there is still any hope...
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