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Vaughn Paul
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Dear Forum Members,
As of today, we've introduced ads on the forum for all members, except Donors, for a trial period of 2 months - till mid December. The reason is that we need to experiment with methods to generate revenue to be able to afford an upgrade of our server and increase the forum speed. Many of you have complained about how long it takes for pages to view, etc. and the best way to solve this is with a server upgrade. However, this will increase our monthly fees dramatically. Therefore, we either need to increase ads, increase donations, introduce a 1 time registration fee, or some other way to increase revenue. At this point, the easiest method is to introduce ads.

If anyone has feedback or suggestions, please do so in this thread.

At this point, we have so few donations annually that it hardly covers operating costs - monthly server fees, technician fees for maintenance and improvements, etc. To help the forum out please become a Donor with a donation of $25 or more.

Thanks! I look forward future improvements on forum, especially faster speed, and continuing to be the best of its kind on the web. Vaughn Paul

Hello Paul,
It makes absolute sense if it generates some/any revenue since it's just one ad per page and it isn't creating a lot of distraction or inconvenience.
But I guess people have to click on those ads for the site to make any money at all.
I often visit jjill website, so why don't I just do it from here! :)

I also have a suggestion though i am not sure how it will be taken by the members.
I believe in many threads the conversation just gets diverted and goes off hand and non-astrological. If all the members can consciously try to limit such discussions, it might be helpful in using the available band-width efficiently.
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Vaughn Paul
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Hi Everyone,
A few LOVA members who reside in India have just been able to make donations of $10, but were not able to make larger payments. So apparently Paypal has an exception for India residents, that anyone can make a payment of $10 or less with a credit or debit card. So if you can, please consider making a donation to support LOVA so that we can swiftly move to upgrade our server. Thanks! It's much appreciated. Vaughn Paul

I see you guys have introduced paid readings. But it's also on open forum. Do you guys plan on displaying those paid queries to everybody?
People seeking paid readings for privacy reasons might feel good if the readings are not visible to everybody else.
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Vaughn Paul
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There will be a choice to remove the reading afterwards, or the entire reading could be done by email also. It will all be explained soon. Vaughn Paul.
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Thanks for the updates :)
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Banner Ads: These are visual ads usually displayed at the top, bottom, or sides of forum pages. They can be static or animated.
Text Ads: Simple text-based ads that blend with the forum's content, often appearing as sponsored links or within threads.
Video Ads: Short video clips that may auto-play or require user interaction to view. They can be embedded within forum posts or displayed separately.
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Revenue Generation: Ads can be a source of income for forum owners. They may display ads through platforms like Google AdSense or directly partner with advertisers.
Targeted Advertising: Ads on forums are often targeted based on the forum's niche or the interests of its users. This makes the ads more relevant and engaging for the audience.
Ad Formats: Ads on forums can come in different formats, including display ads (banners, sidebar ads), sponsored content, affiliate links, and promotional threads or posts.
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