Distressed about Ambition. Need Guidance

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Hi everyone, I (25-09-2001 16:27 Delhi) am extremely distressed about my future. Everything I want in life is given to me by god very late and when i have it, I am not happy at all. I have extreme ambitions, I want to be a billionaire one day and do a lot of charity with the money I get. As of now, I am not able to gather a lot of money. I do have income streams but i dont think they are much and i dont think they are sufficient at all. I have tried my hand at stock market and though it is successful, i know that this is not the way i will realize my ambition. I want to leave a mark on this world and a legacy that will be remembered by generations to come but all of it seems worthless sometimes as the results come very late and sometimes not satisfactory at all. I do not want a job which pays me high salary, i do not want a salary or to work under someone not because of my ego but because i think its a waste of my time working hard to make someone else rich in exchange for pennies for what he would make. I am hard working and am willing to do whatever it takes to reach the highest pedestal. My biggest hate is for mediocrity and my biggest fear is that i will end up as a mediocre guy with a comfortable stable job and a wife. I do not want societal praise or status, I despise comfort and stability, i need action. I need whatever help and guidance you can provide.
Dr Neeraj
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Dear Lucifer

Welcome to the LOVA Forum!
It's nice to know that you are an ambitious guy. I consider ambition as good if it stays with its 3 friends- hard work, patience and persistence.

With the given details, I get Aquarius Asc 02-27 and Moon is in Sagittarius at 20-32

Your current Vimshottari dasha is Moon-Ven
ADL Ven is yogkaraka and is posited in 7H

Jamini Dasha: Aries-Aquarius
From Aries DK Mer is in 7H and this Mer aspect Aquarius
Double transit of Sat & Jup also connect to your natal 7H/L.
The present time is for the marital results. Enjoy your time.

All others will come to you at their time.

God bless you
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Hello Lucifer,

I am new in Vedic Astrology but am gonna take a dab at it.

1.) Jupiter rules your 2nd and 11th and is conjunct an exalted Rahu (both Aspecting Lagna). This does speak about a misplaced sense of ownership and what to do with things once you do end up owning it. I know this because I have my 2nd Lord conjunct Rahu too and this combination often leads to a sense of feeling frustrated and thwarted in our attempts to build a life around our own values. Over compensating that is the feeling that we should earn humongous amount of money, be some kind of money churning factory or else we are nothing. This is further exacerbated by Rahu also being in one of the succedent/house of substances (2,5,8,11th) which are related to our capability for ego-evolution in the sense of feeling powerful/powerless.

2) With an emphasised 11th (Moon +Mars +KEtu) there is a tendency to view the entire socio-economic machinery as having some kind of primal sustaining power, as if it were some kind of cow-milking machine you were denied a right to. Mars + Moon can be very self-righteous and entitled but without the necessary skills of an aspecting Saturn to help, it may be infantile in the way it grabs satisfaction from the matters of the house it resides in.

3) Rahu+ Jupiter aspecting Lagna from 5th does sound like someone who would hate mediocrity, as 5th house to some extent relates to our ability for experiencing ourselves as sovereign over ourselves. (as Sun is natural ruler of 5th)

4) Finally in the Aquarius Lagna (blank chart). Saturn naturally debilitates in the 3rd. I suspect whenever Lagnesha is debilitated in the 3rd, like for Simha and Kumbla Lagna, one's life lesson is necessarily tied with coming in terms with the fallibility and smallness of one's will.(in face of divine Will of course)

Apologies to anyone (mods and admins) if my reply is offensive and lacking in Vedic knowledge. I am new here and I am open to feedback if this post was acc to community norms.
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