Confused with two Ascendants in chart

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Plz help I am stuck between two ascendants Aquarius or Pisces. Don’t know which is correct time. Cannot do remedies because of problematic ascendants. dOB- 10th November 1980, time as per hospital 2.37 pm afternoon, place Gadag, Karnataka, India. Major events as follows- 1982 july youngest brother born after me
1997 july 16 youngest brother died due to an accident
1999 started my college
2008 Paternal grandma expired
2009 job in college
2010 May marriage
2010 August job in medical company
2012 July wife went for higher research degree
2013 july eye injury blind even today partially from left eye
2013 Aug second job
2015 eye surgery 2 times
2015 june both me and wife met with an accident saved by God
2015 third job
2016 November mother died in fire accident
2016 December- Jan 2017 , huge loss financially
2017 August first child daughters birth. 2019 February father died due to old age. Plz help me in finding correct time of birth I am not able to do correct pooja and remedies. Here in south india lagna is very imp.without knowing that we cannot do proper pariharams for bad positions in chart. Thanks.
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Hello kirandeep,

For prayers, no need to refer to astrology of any kind.
" All roads lead to Rome ".
All rivers finally reach the Sea.
These are not philosophy. People who do not pray at all also live well.
People who pray intensely also suffer. We do have " vice versa " for all the above.

With that intro ( truth ) , i give below for your reference how your ascendant gets placed for various ayanamsasas used generally. Ayanamsa is a mathematical quantity derived based on assumption.
Since there are various schools of thoughts, we have various ayanamsas. None of them is superior over
the other. Pity is that, Albert Einstein did not do any reasearch on it to give us the right one. In absence of Einstein, every one tries to take his role, including me.

AYANAMSA .............................. YOUR ASCENDANT



3. RAMAN 28 AQ 01

4. KP 26 AQ 41


For choosing a lord to pray was a guideline just given to motivate the people. Nothing beyond that.
Nowhere it is said, only Sri Narayana would listen and not Sri Shiva.

Altering the time of birth to suit all incidents in your life would be an herculean task and they would
always be debatable.

Pariharams are to calm down the mind and nothing beyond. There is no correct pooja or wrong pooja.
The intention of surrender should be the goal. Unfortunately, pariharams have been long misunderstood, made it into some sort of bribe with the LORD himself. God accepts sincere prayers from any one, be it a begger on the street or a crorepathy in a hilly modern villa. To top it all , the final signature remains with HIM.

truly yours,
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Hello Kirandeep,

Your elaborate events were of great use to fix your ascendant.
Your Ascendant is Pisces.

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hello pink1,

Where in pisces do you place his ascendant ? can you just give the deg and min part for the
ascendant ?

truly yours,
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hello Vedicmaths and pink1, thank u so much for taking time to help me.
Based on the time recorded by the hospital it is 2.37 pm afternoon. But while generating a birth chart the ascendant is changing within 10 mins. I always have doubt which is the correct time of birth. As both my parents are no more, I couldn’t clarify with them. Even other family members are doubtful about exact time. Based on events I thought may be possible to decide the time. If it helps anyway, just to add few more details - 1999 i started my MBBS degree. 2006 Started my MD degree. Marriage (21st May 2010 )was an intercultural and intercaste. Wife is a medical research scientist. While she was studying we had to stay apart from 2012-2017 but I was frequently traveling to meet her. Hopefully this helps. I am so grateful to both of u for doing this for me. Birth rectification is such a tough job, most astrologers couldn’t clarify my confusion. Thanks again

Remember the incidents[positive or negitive] at your 13th year,25th/37th ages.[1993/94,2005/2006,2017-2018].Also mention if you are a c-cut delivery.Why bcz none of your given events years are not at all matching with your given hospital time and also with rectified time too.Hope you may omit some key incidents that were happend at your 13,25,37 ages.I need your gender too for scrutiny of birth time.

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Joyd Sir , thank for replying. This are the details u asked for. Gender - male. My birth was natural birth not c section. I have two elder brothers before me. I am the third son of my parents. I had a younger brother. But he died in 1997. I don’t think anything happened around 1993-1994 . But in 1992 my paternal grandfather died. 1995 I represented my state in a national level science seminar and competition. Between 2005-2006 I got my MD seat in a medical college and in 2006 September I met my future wife in the same college where I studied. Between 2017/2018, I was cheated by a person badly. He ran away with all my life’s savings which I invested and till now date no trace of this guy. But with my hard work I am slowly trying to recover. Then in 2017 , August 17th my daughter was born in India. 2018 August my wife received her research degree. I am a frequent traveler visited many countries because of job. Currently pursuing a business degree which is not over yet. I am a doctor but I am working for pharma companies. Thanks Sir. Hope from this u can help me.

All my asked things with years mentioned are in line with 14 hrs-04 minutes-07 seconds[afternoon] very rightly.Your birth and navamsa ascendent both are aquarius.Ascendent degree 16-32-33-98.Lagna star satabhisha-3rd.Moon star is jyeshta-2nd.Moon sign is will get your business degree very surely in coming few months.Period up to 2-8-2021 is very auspicious one to achieve any targets.

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Thank you so much Joyd sir. I will forever be grateful to u. I don’t know how you do it. U have rectified time even to seconds. It must be a God gifted talent. Hope after all this bad time I see some good days as you said. God bless u always for guiding numerous lost souls through darkness
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Hello kirandeep,

The very fact that you are a doctor with a doubtful lagna aquarius/pisces, strengthens my conviction that yours is pisces lagna. Of course each one may have his/her say.


Instead of practice why you are working for pharma companies? i found a key twist in your chart based on your tie up with pharma companies..its just for my research on your kundali..

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Hello, I did practice for sometime. But after Sometime I realized I wanted to do something unconventional. I have a background of research also. So joined the industry field. I have worked for the best Pharma companies, held positions in medical as well as business units. And right now working for a Clinical Research organization . So a medicine before coming to the market has to go through 10-12 years of rigorous clinical research involving patients. It’s basically doing multicentric human trials throughout the world. That is my work right now to do this clinical trials. I consider that to be a major part of medical science. In a way I have experience in most field of medical science- practice, research, marketing and business too. And my job makes me travel extensively, it’s equivalent to 6-7 months of staying outside India. So when i get time i do a bit of free practice here and there, cannot do it on a regular basis. Joyd Sir , thanks for replying, if possible can u plz tell me what it that twist u found in my chart I am very curious to know. Pink1 Sir, as I have mentioned in my post abt my profession. Yes it is kind of hard to explain it to everyone, having all the qualifications but not practicing. People get confused most of the time. Thanks again


1-From natal lagna moon-mars conjucted in 10th house scorpio[ as 8th natural research house in zodiac] of you adopted research field as your main line.Moon is aushadhi karaka and mars is pharma.

2-From Natal moon-mars ,the 10rh lord is sun who is the main karaka for medical education.He is in your 9th house of libra bhagya and abroad from natal lagna with mer and in 12th sign of marketing-abroad i.e. libra from mer insisting PC based marketing educational degree as he is the 5th lord.

3-Mars as 3rd-10th lord gives frequent travels.

4-sun in visakha and jupiter is in uttara phalguni comes under star level parivartana yoga.Mars-moon combo in 10th house.THese 2 pointers given you an inter caste partner.

5-Lagna is in rahu's you are a born talent with medicines and medical knowledge from your previous births onwards too.Mars is your ATMA-Karaka ,so pharma knowledge is your 1st wife and life.sun as AMATYAkaraka you have chosen medicine as your basic professional degree.

6-All your moon-mer-rahu are conjucted in 12th house of hospitals in navamsa chart.

So all the above are the prime reasons for why you left main practice and inclined towards pharma and marketing line...

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Hi Dr. Kiran

Lets answer your query or queries by science or in a scientific way of astrology with respect to mathematics and logic.

I am talking about K.P. System of astrology. As you are aware, Traditional or Vedic astrology only our Sages are experts, they can do it without software or without any help astrological software selling agents .

360 degrees normal zodiac, all houses in a chart ( I'm not talking about signs) aren't equal , like in March ...days will be longer, the oher way round, say during Aug/Sep of any year, similarly as the latitude changes and also at hilly places, unequal houses in a chart can be seen.

When I happened to see your query, I thought of analyzing... and today is Friday at my Latitude.. Shukra's day... so there will be connection in your chart on dasa or its sub periods or connected significators.
At my Latitude, in the HEaven's map... Udaya lagna was transiting in Virgo and deposited in Hasta nk and in sub of Ketu, and you born on a Monday, and today Shani is aspecting Udaya lagna at my Latitude

Therefore, your lagna should be connected to Shani ( today Chandra gets aspect from Shani and conjunct with Rahu in Gemini, in Budha sign... your Budha is vakri and you will be a Jyesta nk also as today Budha is vakri)

Now, Shani has two sign.. as Lord, MaKara and Kumbha... you say hospital time is 1437 hrs, now logical and astrologically getting tallied with Shani... i.e. Kumbha

In Kumbha.. Dhanista nk, Satabhista nk and Purvaprostapadha nk comprises., and in your Chart.. Guru and Shani are in rapt conjunction in Virgo ( joint results)… Therefore it will be Purvaprostapadha nk in Kumbha, and not Meena ( Uttaraprostapadha nakshtra).. today is Friday sub is Shukra… and I'm nt taking Chandra as sub
Your lagna sputa cusp falls in Kumbha, and deposited in Purvaprostapadha nk and in sub of Shukra, and Shukra in Hasta nk ( Shukra in Virgo)… Time of birth mentioned by Hospital is correct

You say you're having partially blind eye disorder ( not sure ..Retina degeneration or Cornea/Pupil related???)
Left eye.. shown by 12th cusp/bhava
( BTW... your 2nd cusp lord is Kuja or in other words Kuja becomes 2nd bhava lord in place of Guru, Guru is only a sign lord of Mean, though secondary lagna bhava lord, in your chart too Guru and Shani in rapt conjunction), Shukra becomes 3rd and 4th cusp lord, 8th cusp lord will be Shukra ( your 7th bhava lord is Ravi, and secondary lord of 7th is Budha.. both are in 8th bhava)

coming back to left eye... analysis of 12th cusp and 12th bhava... connected to 8th
And Ravi got connected and even your right eye... you may have problem( 2nd cusp sub Shukra)

You said... your wife went for higher studies... 9th cusp denotes higher education
Your 3rd cusp denotes her higher education.. Connected to Shukra's sign ( Rishabham.. Shukra is 3rd and 4th cusp lord in the K.P. Chart)… you had your eye disorder in Shukra dasa… she wentfor higher studies... in your chart.. Shukra dasa.. Shani Bhukti Rahu antara, her 4th cusp sub in your chart is Shani)

You said you working for medical company
your 10th cusp falls in Vrichika and deposited in Jyesta nk and in sub of Shani, and Shani in Hasta nk
Vrischika is normal zodiac 8th bhava
yours 10th, and your Vrischika also have 9th cusp.. that means you will change your career
10th cusp analysis
Budha is Virgo sign lord... a disease sign lord, also communication lord,
Your Budha in Swati nk
Your Shani and Guru in rapt conjunction in disease sign, Guru in Uttaraphalguni nk and Shani in Hasta nk
Ravi is normal zodiac's 5th lord... doctor/ Remedy etc
Chandra a watery sign lord ( Shani in Hasta nk).. Shani is disease sign lord ( Shani aspects Chandra).. this profession becomes permanent rather Guru's influence
Chandra in Janma nk… decided your career... Medical related communication/ marketing/ training/ disease profile identification etc

You are a Kumbha lagna.
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