I'm born on 6th august 1988 0218am Singapore
But I was told by fellow member joyd that I should use 5th August instead as it's before sunlight.
Can someone advise me .
Because the difference in 1 day will shift the moon from exalted in 1st house to 12th house.
Yogas will change also.
Please advise which birth date is better in terms of wealth and overall.
Born after 12am ...consider the day before or?
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- Site Administrator
- Posts: 2427
- Joined: 17 Apr 2011
6th August is as per Gregorian calender and does not change in your case. Once the birth happens after midnight of 5th, the date automatically is 6th. The position of planets are correctly captured either calculated on a software, or manually as a function of time and there is no need to artificially change the date.
What does change on sunrise is the "dina" or "Vedic weekday". Till sunrise on this particular day, the day is Friday/Shukravaara, & after sunrise, it changes to Shanivaara, or Saturday
I hope this clears up the confusion. Stick to 6th Aug.
What does change on sunrise is the "dina" or "Vedic weekday". Till sunrise on this particular day, the day is Friday/Shukravaara, & after sunrise, it changes to Shanivaara, or Saturday
I hope this clears up the confusion. Stick to 6th Aug.
--भज गोविन्दं... भज गोविन्दं...गोविन्दं भज, मूढमते --
With Regards,
With Regards,
Thanks alot chandralagna sir.
Can any kind soul advise me on this. I have been asking about this but no one gave me a clear understanding.
Akanda Samrajya Yoga
Sloka 60 Part 2 Deva Keralam – Chandra Kala Nadi
Out of the lords of the 11th, and the 10th and the 2nd houses, counted from the Ascendant, even if one planet owned by the above is in an angle from the moon the Native will be ruler of a undivided kingdom (i.e. will be an emperor of a large area) Simultaneously Guru should be the ruler of one of the 2nd, 5th, or the 11th houses counted from the ascendant
Another version : -
Akhanda Samrajya Yoga as per Jyotisharnava Navanitam sloka 5/30
If One of the lords of the 11th, 9th or the 2nd house is in a Kendra from Moon, while simultaneously Jupiter is the lord of 2nd, 5th or the 11th house counted from the Ascendent. then the person will have a wide kingdom and (will be the lord of a large area)
Hence my 11th Lord Jupiter in lagna conjunct with moon.
Being in Kendra (same sign) it constitutes akhanda samraj yoga right? According to this rule , I copied from the yoga section posted by other forum member.
Additionally , I have exalted moon with Jupiter in 1st house causing gajakesari yoga. How good is this as Jupiter is in enemy house.
2nd house having sunapha yoga caused from Venus 2nd from moon. Also scissors yoga hemming the 2nd house with natural benefic Jupiter in 1st and mercury in 3rd house.
When will all these yoga fruitify for me?
Thanks and regards
Can any kind soul advise me on this. I have been asking about this but no one gave me a clear understanding.
Akanda Samrajya Yoga
Sloka 60 Part 2 Deva Keralam – Chandra Kala Nadi
Out of the lords of the 11th, and the 10th and the 2nd houses, counted from the Ascendant, even if one planet owned by the above is in an angle from the moon the Native will be ruler of a undivided kingdom (i.e. will be an emperor of a large area) Simultaneously Guru should be the ruler of one of the 2nd, 5th, or the 11th houses counted from the ascendant
Another version : -
Akhanda Samrajya Yoga as per Jyotisharnava Navanitam sloka 5/30
If One of the lords of the 11th, 9th or the 2nd house is in a Kendra from Moon, while simultaneously Jupiter is the lord of 2nd, 5th or the 11th house counted from the Ascendent. then the person will have a wide kingdom and (will be the lord of a large area)
Hence my 11th Lord Jupiter in lagna conjunct with moon.
Being in Kendra (same sign) it constitutes akhanda samraj yoga right? According to this rule , I copied from the yoga section posted by other forum member.
Additionally , I have exalted moon with Jupiter in 1st house causing gajakesari yoga. How good is this as Jupiter is in enemy house.
2nd house having sunapha yoga caused from Venus 2nd from moon. Also scissors yoga hemming the 2nd house with natural benefic Jupiter in 1st and mercury in 3rd house.
When will all these yoga fruitify for me?
Thanks and regards