Dear sir,
I Partha Sarathi Mohapatra
Time of birth -18.15pm (6.15 evening)
Place of birth -aska(Berhampur)
I been to the Nadi astrology at Chennai they told I will not get a next birth and I will get salvation cause I have to go through lot of pain this life.whether it is kind of true???
I been to a lot of astrologers as I believe astrology and most of them told I will get a ok ok life once cross 37.infact many told strictly not to marry before I cross 37.3 months back I crossed 37 and my misery increased.i lost job tried a suicide attempt,survived.
Sick and tired with all the job losses which is beyond my control,sick and tired of the lazyness,I just don't feel to do anything.
From childhood I was kind of god fearing been to lot of puja a why I am like this.
I tried suicide quite a time but never just 2 things going in my mind suicide or sanyas.
Sanyas in the sence I am so much Trapped in my misery I don't find a way out of suicide or sanyas.
Can some learned soul guide me please.
Sincerely looking for some Devine intervention..
Grahadosha,God,sanyas and salvation
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There will come a time in your life when you laugh at your current thoughts.
Have patience, life will give you the opportunities you wish for. A great change is indicated within three years. You need to appreciate that the sufferings are the only way to dissolve the bad karma accumulated in various lives. Escaping it will cause to face it again in future.
Have patience, life will give you the opportunities you wish for. A great change is indicated within three years. You need to appreciate that the sufferings are the only way to dissolve the bad karma accumulated in various lives. Escaping it will cause to face it again in future.
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- Posts: 12
- Joined: 14 Mar 2017
How long I am 37 job single no savings.. earned good led an ugly life..changed job very frequently never got or wanted the need to get stable.was reckless and suicidal since was a feeling too tired to fight again..but sincerely thanks for your reply
Dear friend,
Your username itself suggests the pain you are going through this life.It is true that,a soul in its last incarnation have to suffer a lot during the initial phase of life at the same time,a soul having a very bad past karmic deeds is also liable to suffer a lot in its succeeding incarnation.
In your Case,I don't see any yogas for moksha.Your Atmakaraka Saturn is in Virgo Navamsha,Virgo Swamsha basically must learn to
digest all of life, the good and the bad.It must
learn to “take it all in”, and not be so fastidious
with its mental concepts about
what it likes and doesn’t like, and what is right and
wrong, etc.Virgo is sort of the sign of solving
problems and so these people tend to be great at
that, but are almost too geared towards problem
solving, and so they look for problems, and
naturally see them everywhere and there seems to
be no end in sight and so the fragile virgo gets
frustrated and irritated by this.They cant “digest”
life, in a sense and they must learn to.
Looking at your birth chart,Saturn Mars Conjunction in 4th house,one of the bad conjunctions in astrology also aspecting the 10th house of career explains the reason for some of your problems.Added to that,10th and 7th lord Jupiter is debilitated in Navamsha which makes things more complicated regarding career and marriage.
You have mentioned two options,I would tell the effects of selecting both options :
Sanyasa - If you select Sanyasa,you will learn to control your senses,listening to the speech of spiritual gurus,meditation,helping innocent people all these things will make you think that your life is actually a blessing that god has given you,Added to that you will get a good Karmic account,which will be useful in getting a beautiful life in your next incarnation.
Suicide-If you opt to commit suicide,As a soul you are killing a body before its time is up.This will be added to your past karmic deeds and you are liable to suffer even a lot more than you are suffering now in your next incarnation.Which means,In your next life,you will be put under situations even more worst than your current situation.
Think About it,Take a wise decision.
All the best
Your username itself suggests the pain you are going through this life.It is true that,a soul in its last incarnation have to suffer a lot during the initial phase of life at the same time,a soul having a very bad past karmic deeds is also liable to suffer a lot in its succeeding incarnation.
In your Case,I don't see any yogas for moksha.Your Atmakaraka Saturn is in Virgo Navamsha,Virgo Swamsha basically must learn to
digest all of life, the good and the bad.It must
learn to “take it all in”, and not be so fastidious
with its mental concepts about
what it likes and doesn’t like, and what is right and
wrong, etc.Virgo is sort of the sign of solving
problems and so these people tend to be great at
that, but are almost too geared towards problem
solving, and so they look for problems, and
naturally see them everywhere and there seems to
be no end in sight and so the fragile virgo gets
frustrated and irritated by this.They cant “digest”
life, in a sense and they must learn to.
Looking at your birth chart,Saturn Mars Conjunction in 4th house,one of the bad conjunctions in astrology also aspecting the 10th house of career explains the reason for some of your problems.Added to that,10th and 7th lord Jupiter is debilitated in Navamsha which makes things more complicated regarding career and marriage.
You have mentioned two options,I would tell the effects of selecting both options :
Sanyasa - If you select Sanyasa,you will learn to control your senses,listening to the speech of spiritual gurus,meditation,helping innocent people all these things will make you think that your life is actually a blessing that god has given you,Added to that you will get a good Karmic account,which will be useful in getting a beautiful life in your next incarnation.
Suicide-If you opt to commit suicide,As a soul you are killing a body before its time is up.This will be added to your past karmic deeds and you are liable to suffer even a lot more than you are suffering now in your next incarnation.Which means,In your next life,you will be put under situations even more worst than your current situation.
Think About it,Take a wise decision.
All the best