Gandanta and rasi sandhi

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arunsg321 wrote:Gentlemen, we need to see the Navamsa before any conclusion is drawn! It is not that Rasi Sandhi is bad. It just means that the behavior of the planet is unpredictable.

I have seen example of gandanta, where the planet has not really been very bad to the native. The reason is that it was exalted in Navamsa, aspected by Jup.
aaah. that explains it. my Sat and moon fair better in navamsa. when i use SSS all three fair better. am growing fond of SSS. :D

BTW Devji

Sun, though at 28 deg does not change bhava in bhava/chalit with either drik or SSS. so i guess he is in the clear. :)
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I see that Sun, though at 28 deg does not change bhava in bhava/chalit with either drik or SSS.
But my only question was are planets weakened and your experience says no. That is enough. I did not make any prediction but wanted to share your experience since astrology is more of an experiential science.
Sun in fact is strong for you with high shadbala and u are in a govt job :D .
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exactly Devji. had he been weakened by this Rasi Sandhi may he would not have given the results.

So i guess Arunji's point reg. D-9 explains the exceptions?
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Absolutely right. Tell me more than your own experience which is 100% truth, what can a prediction convey. So this way we can learn more about general concepts.
Of course in particular cases when problem arises, astrology help may be needed by all.
Arun seems to be very talented in astrology though he tries to keep a low profile.
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kandhan wrote:exactly Devji. had he been weakened by this Rasi Sandhi may he would not have given the results.

So i guess Arunji's point reg. D-9 explains the exceptions?
Let me add a little more fat into the fire :-)

When considering the Rasi sandhi, do not forget to take into account the tattwa of the planet itself. Each planet has a tattwa. For example, Kuja has agni tattwa. Now its behaviour in Gandaant [ fire+water] will be diff than when the sandhi is between earth and air. If we want to go even deeper, then look at the characteristics of the Nk where the graha is situated. In some cases, the sandhi / gandaant may not be bad. For example, it may allow your debts to dissolve.

Certainly, for the astrologer the Rashi sandhi and Gandaant is bad...he is hard-pressed to make accurate analysis :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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arunsg321 wrote:Certainly, for the astrologer the Rashi sandhi and Gandaant is bad...he is hard-pressed to make accurate analysis :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

like between the devil and a hard place? :D
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I am gemini ascendant and i too have jupiter in gandanta but i faced horrible heart break in its antar dasha and when i was born i was in Jupiter MD for 6 months in which my mom hated me and my khala fed me. Jupiter is horrible in my chart being in pisces Revati at 29.48 degrees in 10th house that too with rahu. Juputer is my Atma karaka and lord of karakamsha and swamsa as well.

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I'm afraid I have to disagree with your views, every chart has some positive and some negative points. You Jupiter though in Gandanta but well placed in 10th House. The conjunction of Rahu with Jupiter constitutes Guru Chandal Yoga which is good in current times [Desh Kaal Patra } makes you practical and offers an opportunity to work with M.N.C. But Rahu in 10th House is also Rajyogakarka, As per the chapter 12 of Bhavartha Ratnakar, a classic , I wish to draw the attention on

Shloka 19
केन्द्रकोणश्च राहोश्च दायकाले समागमे ।

स्वतन्त्र राजयोगं च महत्कीर्ति समश्नुते॥१९॥

Rahu will confer Rajyoga and much fame in his Dasa if he joins a quadrant or a trine. The current Dasha of Ketu-Venus-Venus , certainly help you to get married. I am sharing a quotation with you. "Great things happen to those who don't stop believing, trying, learning, and being grateful." ― Roy T. Bennet
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