Saturn remedy

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Saturn remedy

Post by lefteye » 04 Oct 2019

Saturn is the planet that reveals about the degree of hardship in a chart. When connected with Ketu by conjunction, it reveals a death by starvation in the past.In present birth the person may be meek,fearful,stingy or cold. When connected to Rahu,it forms Shrapit dosha which is harmful. But in general Saturn removes the earthly pleasures connected to a bhava/house's karakatwa.

Feeding crows with sesame mixed rice is a simple but effective remedy.
Direct,sudden approach to Saturn may prove to be very unpleasant. Remedies should be started with the above first step. Then do Ganesh worship.

Planets don't reveal their shortfalls directly.That is the one liner that deserves attention. A person born in a rich family with ketu in 2nd in ashubha conditions will be ok to some point of life.But that person may face a financial crunch,difficulties in family oriented activities at certain point of time which would be crucial. That ketu would turn his motive in a direction that is entirely detached from family commitments. Problems will come to that person one by one and finally he would find himself in neck deep of troubles. Such persons have delayed marriage as an indication in family life.

Saturn in normal motion and in retro motion gives almost same results but in retro,the results are strongly exhibited. The direction of a planet should be studied before its dasa commences and one should have the awareness about its impacts on various counters. Transits of planets play a temporary effect only with other cases.But with Saturn's transit many points are given in classics to time death.

First House: Here Saturn aspects the 3rd and 10th houses, of achievement and effort, making the individual work harder for results and/or be challenged in marshaling their resources, throw roadblocks (internal and external) in the way of completing tasks, and indicating that they take their tasks very seriously. The person will often approach projects by themselves

Second House: Aspecting the 4th and the 11th, Saturn impacts friendship and happiness. The person has to choose friends wisely, let the right ones in, and to learn to receive. Try to keep your healthy friendships alive, as social isolation is certainly not preferable.Being in one house of money (the 2nd) and aspecting another (the 11th) can indicate issues with money including interrupted and fluctuating income streams, financial losses, and insecurities around resources. One needs to be conscious of their attitudes around money.

Third House: With Saturn's aspect on houses 5 and 12 ,and 9 by opposition, it influences faith, trust, spirituality, travel, and spontaneity. The lessons of developing faith and trust, letting go, and learning when to move forward are present. Be careful of cultivating too much doubt and scepticism; try to keep your mind both grounded and open.This placement may indicate having periods of creative blocks, that can be dissolved by loosening one's controlling patterns, releasing fears and self-judgments, and learning how to get "into the flow".

To be continued

भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम्

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Re: Saturn remedy

Post by snsharma » 05 Oct 2019

Nice article lefteye..
I heard that when Guru ,Shani and Ketu have connections either with lagna or rasi , jataka will reach the highest level in sprituality. Please comment..
I have saturn - Ketu connection through nakshtra exchange.My saturn dasha ended on December 2018.
2nd half of saturn dasha I was trying all options.From Ganesh puja to Reiki..I did not go deep in any of my efforts.I do not know why.Entire Shani dasa I was almost lazy.

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Re: Saturn remedy

Post by lefteye » 05 Oct 2019

Saturn remedy-2
Fourth House: Direct- When the 6th, 1st, and 10th houses are impacted by Saturn, one may find it hard to take action; and work, and work relationships are the testing grounds. Cultivating good work practices, steady routines, and a supportive work environment can help. One's success and popularity may be delayed, and so it is important to cultivate trust in life. Self-judgment is common in this position, as are feelings of isolation, anxiety, and the inability to count on others. To overcome these patterns, one must be ones own best ally, cheering themselves on, and spending time with people who are supportive.

Fourth House: Retro-Similar to the condition of retrograde Saturn in the 1st house, in one aspect, it deals with the failure on the part of the native of the chart to develop himself in such a way that his influence upon others was more positive. the retrograde Saturn indicates the negative influence of the individual in the past. It could also mean that the individual did not attempt, nor was concerned with, how he affected other people. Since Cancer is the natural ruler of the 4th house, the “feeling” concept was misused or neglected in the past. The other aspect of retrograde Saturn in the 4th house is that the individual did not provide the necessary environmental factors requisite to a proper home condition. This could have been actual home facilities or the home atmosphere itself.

Fifth House: Direct- In aspect to houses 7, 11, and 2, money, pleasure, and one's social life are affected by Saturn. One needs to learn to enjoy life, and to receive support from others. Saturn here can indicate a variety of types of relationship issues: delays or obstructions to forming relationships, being distant in partnership or having distant partners, commitment issues, and fears and doubts about ones social connections. Get help by participating in socializing workshops or groups if you feel too inhibited, and carefully choose a partner who is both trustworthy and spacious.

Fifth House:Retro- Retrograde Saturn in the 5th house shows responsibilities towards children were neglected. Children were misused, even to the point of being abused. In love affairs, the individual used members of the opposite sex for self-gratification and self-fulfilment (physical) with little regard to the results or effects upon others. Creativity was also ignored or misused because of the ego-centeredness of the individual. Anything the individual created in the past reflected “self” rather than being for the sake of creativeness or for what was being created. The lesson of retrograde Saturn in the 5th house : Usually children are denied to people who have retrograde Saturn in the 5th house, or the number of children limited. If children are denied, the individual could very easily engage in some fact of work which would deal with children – especially handicapped children.

Sixth House: Direct- Here Saturn aspects all of the dusthanas: 3, 6, 8, & 12, and indicates a life where learning to navigate the obstacles and trials becomes very important. Because this position presents life challenges, whether it be in health, losses, financial issues, fears, etc., one needs to cultivate courage and faith. Developing endurance and spiritual detachment and attaining wisdom is required. Don't be self-martyring or too self-sacrificing, but at the same time donating your time and efforts to serving others part time can be very rewarding.

Sixth House: Retro-This location of a retrograde Saturn shows the avoidance of the responsibility of awareness where the general public would be concerned. Too selfish.There was a great deal of discrimination where service was concerned. Any service rendered in the past was done from the viewpoint of how much prestige it would bring to the individual.The lesson or remedy of retrograde Saturn in the 6th house : Unselfish service to mankind without hope for recognition.

@snsharma-will read chart after this paksha.
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम्

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