A Powerful Standard Remedy for all Astrological Problems

For discussion on remedial measures (upayas) - mantras, yagyas, puja, charity, gems, ishta devata
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Saindhavi ji

Can you please help, I am going through a hard time in life, my health has not been the best... It has improved thanks to God, but not fully ... Also I am fully of negative energy as well as getting negative thoughts especially when I try to pray to God, it's driving my crazy.

I also want to get married, but no luck, my details are:

Dob 3 jan 1983
Time 13:07
Place: Jamnagar India gujurat

Please advise
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RE: Candle vs Ghee Lamp

Dear Saindhavi Ji
Is it OK to light a candle instead of a ghee lamp while offering prayers?? I know that for shani, mustard lamp is recommended but for other times will lighting a candle will do???. Look forward to your thoughts please

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Dear Saindhavi ji,

The following is my details.

Birth Date :Apr 24,1973
Birth Time: 8.55 pm
Birth Place :kadayam , near tenkasi , tamilnadu

I have been trying to get a job for a long time, but nothing working out.I feel completely helpless.

I'm a devotee of ambal and find great peace and pleasure in chanting her songs.

I chant the following slokas in the order for a very long time now.

SankataNasa Ganapathi slokam, Hanuman Chalisa, Mantra Raja Pada slokam and runa Vimochana narasimha slokam,
Lalitha sahasranam and devi Kadgamala slokam.

I really want a job. Please tell me any specific remedy, that will help me get a job immediately5

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Dear Saidhaviji,
It is really heartening to see you support and advice so many people in distress. Please help me in understanding my birth chart with respect to marriage. I am divorced and got married to another divorcee in Dec 2012, after three years of long-distance courtship. But within 1 week of marriage, issues arose and my husband sent me away from house. Now he says he does not want this marriage anymore and has called off all communication. It is really disturbing because i gave up my career and job for this marriage. I was under Sani mahadasha from 1991 to 2010. Currently i am running Budha mahadasha with ketu antardasha. Why is it so that my marriage is so badly affected? I don't want my this marriage to break. Why are things happening like this? Every time my personal and professional lives get affected at the same time. Is there something that is terribly wrong in my horoscope? For this marriage, we got the horoscopes matched well before going ahead with the marriage. Then why are things happening like this? Please please help me understand my chart.
My details:
26th April 1975, 3.30 p.m, Hyderabad
My husband's details:
8th Jan 1972, 11.35 p.m, Bangalore

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Dear Saindhavi ji,


I am shreenivas from karnataka. Please kindly suggest me remedies for my chart doshas..please

The following is my details.
Birth Date :January 27,1987
Birth Time: 6.45 pm
Birth Place :Gangawati, Karnataka.
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Is Ganesha Chalisha also, a remedy for every problem in life?
I know of Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra and Hanuman Chalisha
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Dear SaindhaviJi,
I have been practicing your suggested remedial measure, looks like they are working for me.
My Rahu Dasa started on Jan 14 2014 and i was worried about this dasa that something bad is going to happen. So i started your remedial measures, and i am actually feeling good, some good things are happening at work front, good good annual review , passed Certification exam , became a US citizen to a name a few. I suffered a lot in my Mars MD.
Can you please advise me on a thing - a thought is coming into my mind to buy a bigger home , i am little worried i may get into debt if i do that.

I am kanya lagna, leo rashi with rahu in 6th(kumbha) from lagna.

BD - sep 28 1970, 6 AM , Mahaboobnagar, Andhra Pradesh, AP

Any advice regarding my Rahu dasa really appreciated.
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Dear All,

Me and my family is passing through difficult times since 2011..I dont want to explain every problem but I want to mention that any member of my family, wherever he is, is worried and stressed and depressed.. Many False Court cases are going on..just few days back, I lost my mother... Nothing seems to go right...Lawyers are deciving us and not helping us..No relative of us is ready to help us.. My mother was very religios.. but throughout her life she faced difficulties and struggled all her life....I was very unfortunate to save her...to be near her..during her last time...
In spite of her being so religious, she was depressed and struggled all her life...past 2-3 years have been too stressful for the entire family...
I also became some religius and started chanting mantras....First I started reading Hanuman Chalisa, Bajrang Baan, Hanuman chalisa....then I started chanting Mahamrityunjay Mantra... Now I started chanting Ram Raksha Strotam...I even read Ram Raksha Strotam during Navratri in early morning for 7 time for a few days...
But nothing seems to help...
I am losing hope and confidence in GOD...
Can anybody help and tell me why we are facing such difficult itmes and when this period will be over..
What should I do..which mantra ...which strotra I should chant....
Please Help....
My DoB is 17-Dec-1981, ToB is 13:20, PoB is Baraut (U.P, India)
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Saindhavi ji,

Please help for analysis for frequent job changes.

It will be great help, birth date are share below.

DOB 19th Jan 2017
TO. 03:45 am
PLace :- Miregaon, Sinnar, Nasik (19.8392152,74.2982505)

Please help. With remedies if any.

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Dear Ddarun@67911091

And in one year u statred job?
DOB 19th Jan 2017
TO. 03:45 am
PLace :- Miregaon, Sinnar, Nasik (19.8392152,74.2982505) ur details??😁😁
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Where are these? When I click the links it goes to the general forum page. Thanks
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A Powerful Standard Remedy for all Astrological Problems is to chant the Raam Naam. Wherever the Name of Lord Raam is
remembered, there comes Hanumanji who will fix all our problems.

"The planets are always favorable to one who does not harm others, who possesses composure, who earns wealth through honest means and who restrains the baser instincts."
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i start with Om gum ganapathaye namah 108 times, Om nama sivaya 108 times,Om namo bhagavathe vasudevay 108 times and then Hanuman Chalisa.But I always feel this is not enough.Thinking about upcoming Ketu dasa in few months really making me tensed.What should I do more or what else mantras I should be chanting ?
Aug 10 -1979 ,18.20 PM ,Ernakulam Kerala
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Just do Sankatnashak Ganesh Strota in Ketu Dasha along with Hanuman Chalisa.
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Remedy for partner problems:

-respect male/females
-treat the opposite gender well
-do not call ugly or say anything negative in mind
-do not undermine, disrespect
-do not think lustfall thoughts
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From a successful man in everything, spiritual/holistic remedies

Good karma:

-work hard
-be determined
-be balanced


-who you are
-how you live

-everyday living



In general everyday take care of yourself, exercise, try to wash face etc, respect others, be nice, don't disrespect in mind to others, look after yourself

-attracting partner:

Be respectful, no lust, respect others, do not call ugly, work on yourself, improve yourself, be your best, exercise, wear good clothes, work on your confidence, conversation skills etc, sort out your life


Work hard, be professional, do good work, do not waste money, budget, save, do not get into debt, do not use power for power, respect, honour your work whatever you do

You get good karma for this life and next life

If you live well, work hard
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You attract who you are, thoughts attract things
You get what you give
Put back into it
Don't take
Change your beliefs
No negative thoughts, intent, think cruel thoughts or intent will bring back

If you want attention, it, give it first


Work hard

Who you are
How you live


Have gratitude


How you live, who you are in this life, you´ll attract, also depends on what you need to experience, what lessons you have to learn, balance, thoughts, insights, improve yourself

Work (respect, honour, service, give your best)
Money(respect, budget, save, do not be frivolous, take out too much credit, do not give out too much, keep promises, pay bills on time)

Love (love yourself, respect the other gender, appreciate, do not condense, undermine, give love)

Health (respect your body, eat right, sleep right, exercise, nice attitude towards others )

Friends(be friendly, have humanity)

Looks (everyday, respect, diet, rest, exercise, respect others, attitude, genuine, no judgement, fair)

How you view and treat others

Opposite ***(respect, never mistreat, no lustful thoughts, fair, no judgement, condense, undermine)

Power(conduct, character, do no wrong)

Have respect for everyone and everything,

Bad karma is negative thoughts, deadly sins, anger, resentment, bad thoughts towards others, disrespect, pettiness, negativity, no haughtiness
No sarcasm
Don't ruin anyone's dignity
No gossiping
Keep promises

Balance, harmony, peace
All virtuous
Good conduct
No power games

Don´t keep taking
Waste no time

Read law of attraction, Seth, ponder, many many others

Buddhism principles

Never give up, keep going
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