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by shilpa
20 Jun 2022
Forum: Relationship and Marriage
Topic: Got married
Replies: 35
Views: 7246

Re: Got married

Dear Vicky,
your 7th lord & marriage karak Venus is in dusthan 6th house, in debility and afflicted by Ketu
Lagna lord (Ma) in navamsa is in the 12th, and that makes a Manglik yoga
reason for first separation & unfructified marriage
Venus receives a Neech bhanga...
Nevertheless, a strong second ...
by shilpa
02 Jun 2022
Forum: Relationship and Marriage
Topic: Threat to husband's life- please help
Replies: 14
Views: 2670

Re: Threat to husband's life- please help

[quote=astrolearner15 post_id=299530 time=1651950503 user_id=8559] My husband has been very ill since February 2022. I went for a reading with an astrologer who has previously accurately predicted many events and I had a very distressing prediction from him. He said my husband is unlikely to survive ...
by shilpa
01 Jun 2022
Forum: Divisional Charts
Topic: Virat Kohli
Replies: 42
Views: 14486

Re: Virat Kohli

I am revisiting this chart after a long time

Kohli just ran into bad time

Successive anatras of Ketu in the 9th which is a malefic planet even when well placed and takes the native away from competitive, aggressive streak his case it's badly placed in Nk of Venus that is debilitated a
and ...
by shilpa
01 Jun 2022
Forum: Yogas
Topic: Rasi vs Bhava chart for Dharma Karma Adipathi Yoga
Replies: 4
Views: 2457

Re: Rasi vs Bhava chart for Dharma Karma Adipathi Yoga

Dear KMD,
Your question goes primarily to the issue whether the chart should be read thru Bhava chalita or thru the Rasi chart
It's one of the many contradictions in vedic astrology

While Parasara calls Bhava when defining Yogas and their fruits and the way to calculate Bhava is defined as 15deg on ...
by shilpa
01 Jun 2022
Forum: Dashas
Topic: Very difficult Saturn Mahadasha
Replies: 13
Views: 5156

Re: Very difficult Saturn Mahadasha

Dear Coquelicot,

-Saturn is not bad for you...though 3rd house placement in sign of moon is 9th and 10th lord he is a Yogakark and aspecting his own house the 10th....makes it much more good than bad.
And the Saturn anatra was not bad in your own admissions

So what's the reason for ...
by shilpa
13 Dec 2018
Forum: Health
Topic: Severe Gastrointestinal disorders and urination problems
Replies: 8
Views: 2096

Re: Severe Gastrointestinal disorders and urination problems

Dear Chocobunny,

--your lagna and 6th Lord Ma is debilitated in the 9th house
Since Sep 2017 Rahu started it's transit throuhg your 9th house and over natal Mars...forming an angarak yoga in transit and further stressing your your weak 1/6/9 houses

--These sever yoga induced by the tranit is the ...
by shilpa
12 Dec 2018
Forum: Health
Topic: Husband suffering from health issues
Replies: 12
Views: 2784

Re: Husband suffering from health issues

@shilpa ji, my humble pranaams at your feet... back after a long gap... indeed a very long wait for my astrological queries solutions from shilpa ji :)

In the above post you had mentioned that Rahu transition occuring on Feb 2019 but in most places on Internet it's specified as March 2019... when ...
by shilpa
12 Dec 2018
Forum: Health
Topic: Husband suffering from health issues
Replies: 12
Views: 2784

Re: Husband suffering from health issues

Hello Guruji

My husband is feeling depressed due to his illness. He says that he wants to end his life rather than continue with the health issues. I have never ever heard such words from him and feeling really worried about it.

I need your insights and guidance on the remedial measures that can ...
by shilpa
11 Dec 2018
Forum: Transits
Topic: revisiting PM Modi's Chart
Replies: 140
Views: 29307

Re: revisiting PM Modi's Chart

Dear All,
revisiting Modi's chart:

--13:05 Mehsana, on Sep 17, 1950

--the lagna is close to acute gandaant but this is probably a rectified time by someone so it could easily be off by several minutes and hence the gandaant is not a very important parameter

--but a lot of planets are at the ...
by shilpa
11 Dec 2018
Forum: Transits
Topic: Rahul Gandhi
Replies: 55
Views: 13782

Re: Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi 2:28PM; New Delhi ; June 19th 1970

Dear All,
He is in the news and sparkling brightly in all forms of media
I had had a cursory look at his chart in the last few year but now a more detailed look reveals
following outstanding features of his chart;

>Lagna is in Vargottama w.r.t ...
by shilpa
25 Oct 2018
Forum: Relationship and Marriage
Topic: Is sanyasa yoga there in my chart? 30+, unmarried
Replies: 24
Views: 4633

Re: Is sanyasa yoga there in my chart? 30+, unmarried

Respected lova members,

I would be really grateful if you look into my chart and see if marriage yoga is denied for me.

Female, 26/02/1988, morning 10.40 AM, Quilon(Kerala).

I am 30+ now, and no marriage is materialised till date. Not that I am not interested in the institution of marriage, but ...
by shilpa
25 Oct 2018
Forum: Health
Topic: Wife suffering from MDS
Replies: 13
Views: 3088

Re: Wife suffering from MDS

Thanks Shilpaji. Yes, she is running ketu dasha and sade sati. She is reading Durga Saptashati almost every day when time permits if we are home and not going to the hospital. Chants mahamrutunjaya mantra also. Will ask her to say the ketu mantra. Can you please tell which ketu mantra she has to ...
by shilpa
24 Oct 2018
Forum: Health
Topic: Wife suffering from MDS
Replies: 13
Views: 3088

Re: Wife suffering from MDS

My wife of 52 years is suffering from MDS( mylodysplastic syndrome) also known as pre- leukemia since Dec 2017. Her platelets drop and needs transfusion.Her bone marrow is not working.
Her age is 76 years. I wanted to know whether her health will improve or not. It’s been very draining ...
by shilpa
23 Oct 2018
Forum: Health
Topic: Spells of Dizziness/vertigo
Replies: 9
Views: 2019

Re: Spells of Dizziness/vertigo

Dear zacksanders,
>your 2nd house has 6/8 lord and all the 3 heavy weight Ra, Ma & Sa sitting in and you were running Ra-Ra that ended in dec 2017 & now in Ra-Ju

> It could be something more serious, pls get possibilities checked as a precaution with an Oncologist
by shilpa
15 Oct 2018
Forum: Health
Topic: Recurring disease - fistula
Replies: 11
Views: 2806

Re: Recurring disease - fistula


The following are my family members details. He has had a terrible year (legal battles, spent time in jail, wrongly accused, suspension from job, constant fighting at home etc) and has a recurring disease. All this is happening without a break.
A known person also predicted trouble in ...
by shilpa
11 Oct 2018
Forum: Planets, Houses, Signs, etc.
Topic: Divorce, remarriage and extramarital affairs
Replies: 313
Views: 72978

Re: Divorce, remarriage and extramarital affairs

Your post was so informative.
Dear Shilpa ji, i got married on 21st Feb 2015 which ended in divorce on 19th August 2015. It was so disastorous marriage as it was all drama created by in laws & extramarital affair of ex husband. I want to know about second marriage, second spouse and success of ...
by shilpa
08 Oct 2018
Forum: Relationship and Marriage
Topic: Second Marriage
Replies: 5
Views: 1671

Re: Second Marriage

Dear Nylaraj,
--assuming your Birthplace is indeed the one in malysia
you have Mangal in the 8th of Rasi with Sun & highly combust..that's a manglik yoga

--and in the Navamsa also manglik yoga manifests itself thru Ma in the 7th house & further on 1-7 axis is Ra-Ket in navamsa..and Sun sits in the ...
by shilpa
08 Oct 2018
Forum: Relationship and Marriage
Topic: Second Marriage
Replies: 5
Views: 1671

Re: Second Marriage

were you born at this place Kota Kinabalu in Malysia
by shilpa
07 Oct 2018
Forum: Career
Topic: Desired Job - TKC
Replies: 8
Views: 2099

Re: Desired Job - TKC

Dear Roopkesh,
--Ra & ketu stand for diametrically opposite significations in life....
Ra signifies material desires, ambitions and pursuit towards their fulfillment

ket is backward looking, signifying detachment, penance, pursuit of moksha, doesn't like relationships or material advancements

--Ra ...
by shilpa
05 Oct 2018
Forum: Relationship and Marriage
Topic: Regarding my daughter's marriage
Replies: 37
Views: 6254

Re: Regarding my daughter's marriage

Dear Mjs
--the guy is good nature, handsome with Moon sitting in own house with the lagna and with talents

--sun sits exalted in his digbala house the 10th which is the house of career / profession honors and sun karak for it...
very strong placement for career /professional rise

--exchange ...
by shilpa
04 Oct 2018
Forum: Career
Topic: Jobless and super depressed
Replies: 13
Views: 2894

Re: Jobless and super depressed

get married.....your 7th house is activated under dual drishti of shani-Jup and Sun rules 9th house of fortune......whihc is the secondary favorable period for marriages

Marriage will improve life

by shilpa
03 Oct 2018
Forum: Money
Topic: Please Guide and be a Guru to me.
Replies: 12
Views: 3503

Re: Please Guide and be a Guru to me.

Dear Nemiraj,

--your chart suffers from what I think is cancellation of exaltation of two exalted planets in mutual kendra & losing their exalted properties and acting like debilitated ones....and is a chart spoiler as explained in my thread below ...
by shilpa
03 Oct 2018
Forum: Career
Topic: Jobless and super depressed
Replies: 13
Views: 2894

Re: Jobless and super depressed

Dear Losignmyreligion,

--6th Lord of vocation / services and 11th lord of income gains from own work is Ve debilitated in the 10th house of professional success

In a single stroke service / professional rise & incomes have all been curtailed

--and 9th lord of fortune is Su debilitated in the 11th ...
by shilpa
03 Oct 2018
Forum: Relationship and Marriage
Topic: Regarding my daughter's marriage
Replies: 37
Views: 6254

Re: Regarding my daughter's marriage

Hello, we are facing problems related to my daughter's marriage.

Her Birth details:
Bobbili, Vizianagaram District, AP

When will she get married ? It's been 2 years since we started looking for matches, but nothing is getting materialised.

Will she have a happy, healthy and ...
by shilpa
01 Oct 2018
Forum: Planets, Houses, Signs, etc.
Topic: Analysing Jeffrey P Bezos Chart Again and Verifying its Good Proxmity to His actual Birth Time
Replies: 20
Views: 5485

Re: Analysing Jeffrey P Bezos Chart Again and Verifying its Good Proxmity to His actual Birth Time

Which planet shows about Bezos never meeting his bilogical father? His adopted father did treat him well and Bezos did not know his father was not his bilogical father till he was 10.

sun the karak for father is seated in the 10th house of father's authority...and afflicted by detachment karak ...