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by Dev
19 Aug 2020
Forum: Birth Rectification, Prashna, Muhurta, etc.
Topic: What is the best way to live, for weak lagna ppl?
Replies: 13
Views: 5145

Re: What is the best way to live, for weak lagna ppl?

Yes indeed Devji. As nitin ji remarked, we are very devoted aficionados of VS :)

In these times of pandemic, we might get furthermore motivated to recite VS, since Ayurvedic texts recommend the recital of VS for curing all kinds of Jwaras! (Eventhough recital without expectations is the best!)

व ...
by Dev
23 Jul 2020
Forum: Dashas
Topic: Running Maraka Dasa Bhukti - Request Learned Astrologers to help me !
Replies: 6
Views: 2730

Re: Running Maraka Dasa Bhukti - Request Learned Astrologers to help me !

I dont think any of the complications you mentioned - Skin allergies, Thyroid malfunction, neuralgia, spondylosis and gastric problems is life threatening. It is painful for sure but pariharas may help or to learn to live with it is another option.
by Dev
23 Jul 2020
Forum: Planets, Houses, Signs, etc.
Topic: Worst placement of Saturn.
Replies: 38
Views: 13119

Re: Worst placement of Saturn.

When saturn is exalted in 11th house and aspects lagna, the life span is just average and less than those without exalted or swashetra saturn and provided they dont aspect the lagna. Saturn aspecting rasi from lagna is OK since in lagna he already gives a long life span.
by Dev
07 Jul 2020
Forum: Planets, Houses, Signs, etc.
Topic: Worst placement of Saturn.
Replies: 38
Views: 13119

Re: Worst placement of Saturn.

Saturn in 1st house can give a long life but not saturn in 11th because it aspects the 1st house. I know examples for these.
by Dev
01 Jul 2020
Forum: Birth Rectification, Prashna, Muhurta, etc.
Topic: What is the best way to live, for weak lagna ppl?
Replies: 13
Views: 5145

Re: What is the best way to live, for weak lagna ppl?

Lagna and lagna lords in whose nakshatra they are placed, atidevata of that can be deeply worshipped, for eg if mercury, Lord Vishnu and chanting VS regularly 2 or 3 times a day could help apart from high level donations to deserving - handiicapped, destitutes, gau , anath ashram and so on and also ...
by Dev
01 Jul 2020
Forum: Birth Rectification, Prashna, Muhurta, etc.
Topic: What is the best way to live, for weak lagna ppl?
Replies: 13
Views: 5145

Re: What is the best way to live, for weak lagna ppl?

If ruled by benefic, doing yagam, homam, donating cows to temples and donating to the oppressed generously something when done in excess may help. Also being satvik, and avoiding non vegetarian food also help.
by Dev
26 Feb 2020
Forum: Remedial Measures and Spiritual Practices
Topic: Jealousy
Replies: 9
Views: 3357

Re: Jealousy

Also you can meditate on the God you like most before sleep every night for 15 to 20 minutes. That will also help. But before that have a bath and wear washed clothes. Sit before the idol or picture and close your eyes and meditate. Initially other thoughts will intervene but slowly they will start ...
by Dev
26 Feb 2020
Forum: Career
Topic: Advice on career please help.. Raphael sir
Replies: 11
Views: 2487

Re: Advice on career please help.. Raphael sir

You can also chant or listen to Vishnu Sahasranamam twice everyday.
by Dev
13 Feb 2020
Forum: Remedial Measures and Spiritual Practices
Topic: Can I listen to Gayatri Mantra chant any time?
Replies: 15
Views: 6277

Re: Can I listen to Gayatri Mantra chant any time?

Thanks Hari.
I agree as I also said that satvik qualities would increase but as you say all are not born with purest form of sathva guna. Yes, Ravana was a devout Shiva Bhakth and practised Sandhya worship.
Definitely as you very nicely said people are born with different vasanas and we cant expect ...
by Dev
12 Feb 2020
Forum: Remedial Measures and Spiritual Practices
Topic: Can I listen to Gayatri Mantra chant any time?
Replies: 15
Views: 6277

Re: Can I listen to Gayatri Mantra chant any time?

What you say may be true but I would want to add here that purity of mind is of utmost importance.
My father did trikalasandhya and never even thought ill of others who even harmed him. He was an IAS officer, a sanskrit scholar who translated Tagore's works to sanskrit. He even taught subjects ...
by Dev
12 Feb 2020
Forum: Relationship and Marriage
Topic: Marriage Advice
Replies: 14
Views: 3601

Re: Marriage Advice

OK nice explanation TKC.
by Dev
12 Feb 2020
Forum: Remedial Measures and Spiritual Practices
Topic: Can I listen to Gayatri Mantra chant any time?
Replies: 15
Views: 6277

Re: Can I listen to Gayatri Mantra chant any time?

The fact remains that many brahmins in kaliyuga do not do, some do not even know their gotra.
This is the fact, though unfortunate.
by Dev
12 Feb 2020
Forum: Relationship and Marriage
Topic: Marriage Advice
Replies: 14
Views: 3601

Re: Marriage Advice

Of course, there is a belief venus alone is not good and that too in kendras even when not in kendradipatyadosha even denies marriage or delays to a great extent.
But I have seen several exceptions.
One person with venus in 7th own house is very happily married already since 30 years.
by Dev
12 Feb 2020
Forum: Remedial Measures and Spiritual Practices
Topic: Can I listen to Gayatri Mantra chant any time?
Replies: 15
Views: 6277

Re: Can I listen to Gayatri Mantra chant any time?

Actually pratah sandhyavandanam, madhyanikam and sayam sandhyavandanam are prescribed for early morning, afternoon and evening respectively and even pariharas are there for doing them at a later time than the one prescribed.

These are nityakarmas.

Pitrukarma is the one where one does shraddha for ...
by Dev
11 Feb 2020
Forum: Relationship and Marriage
Topic: Saturn MD marriage yog
Replies: 47
Views: 8844

Re: Saturn MD marriage yog

Chant Vishnusahasranama on wednesdays twice or listen to the chant by any authorised person.
by Dev
11 Feb 2020
Forum: Relationship and Marriage
Topic: Marriage Advice
Replies: 14
Views: 3601

Re: Marriage Advice

Venus lord of 2nd and 9th is exalted in 7th house, unaspected by any other planet.
His aspecting lagna is good for wealth and profession.
In face he is quite strong in astavarga and very strong in shadbala, in fact strongest with high ista phala.
He is infact running 20 year sukra dasa from 2001 and ...
by Dev
11 Feb 2020
Forum: Career
Topic: Moving into depression due to unemployment - please help
Replies: 85
Views: 21934

Re: Moving into depression due to unemployment - please help


I think I mentioned about your 5th lord in 6th and a neecha planet in 5th house and to do pariharas like chanting Lakshmi astottaram, Lakshmi Sahasranamam, visiting gaushala and feeding cows and being vegetarian and so on. Are you doing those by the way?

A person with deep combust mercury I ...
by Dev
11 Feb 2020
Forum: Career
Topic: Moving into depression due to unemployment - please help
Replies: 85
Views: 21934

Re: Moving into depression due to unemployment - please help

It is good you have started listening to the slokas. Try to follow them with script in hand so that you can learn them soon by heart. Have faith and effect will follow.
by Dev
05 Feb 2020
Forum: Transits
Topic: Saturn mahadasha - anybody has Saturn on 8th house
Replies: 35
Views: 16307

Re: Saturn mahadasha - anybody has Saturn on 8th house

I know of a person with simha lagna, kanya rasi, sat in 8th. He is in his 80s and is doing well but lost his wife recently. He had no problems in his career. In fact he was lucky.
Of course all planetary positions need to be seen.
by Dev
05 Feb 2020
Forum: Career
Topic: Moving into depression due to unemployment - please help
Replies: 85
Views: 21934

Re: Moving into depression due to unemployment - please help

Yes but we cant explain the shadbala and astavarga and other concepts here.
by Dev
04 Feb 2020
Forum: Career
Topic: Moving into depression due to unemployment - please help
Replies: 85
Views: 21934

Re: Moving into depression due to unemployment - please help

Shadbala of Mercury and Jupiter are less than 100% having around 85% strength.


You quoted as above.
But I doubt if this shadbala concept really works in all cases and is reliable?
In my own case, during deep combust planet dasa and lowest shadbala planet 65%antardasha, the period was the ...
by Dev
04 Feb 2020
Forum: Career
Topic: Teacher
Replies: 2
Views: 1063

Re: Teacher

Your horoscope is quite interesting.
Moon, jupiter and mars are debilitated in rasi chart, lagna has exalted sat with ketu.
Moon depositor mars is debilitated and mars depositor moon is debilitated.
Ju sa have low astavarga.
Sun is also the badhakesh but is superstrong is astavarga, shadbala ...
by Dev
28 Jan 2020
Forum: Transits
Topic: please advise-Zero Ashtakvarga point for Saturn in Capricorn
Replies: 48
Views: 11898

Re: please advise-Zero Ashtakvarga point for Saturn in Capricorn

I did not mean language, I meant the inner meaning.
No problem. Leave it.